Papers Acceptance Rules


Papers Acceptance Rules

1-Plagiarism is individually applied to all the incoming papers as a first step using ithenticate plagiarism checker program. If the plagiarism rate exceeds 25% for the entire document or exceeds 5% for one reference, it is returned to the authors without reviewing.

2-The reviewing process is based on double blind reviewer as follows: 

-The authors must submit their paper in two formats, one of them has no authors names or affiliations. A suitable track of the paper is also selected. 

-The selected track and format of the paper are reviewed by the conference technical committee members before being sent for review.

-A list of committed reviewers, mostly national and international experts from the academia and industry, is prepared for each research track. Two consecutive reviewers are selected from the list in a circular manner.

-If both reviewers accept or reject the paper, then their recommendation will be considered. If the two reviewers have different recommendations, the paper is sent to third reviewer.

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